Cybernetics for rescue and security!

cybernetics for rescue and security
What exactly is
Thanks to the latest processor technology, it is possible to accommodate intelligence with visualization and networking of information in the smallest of spaces with very little energy supply, which works autonomously. Modern cybernetics.
We are developing a cybernetic system. A system that recognizes dangers and where help is needed - reacts independently, transmits activities and events and informs. (Wikipedia: Cybernetics)
We have been developing software for desktops, servers, terminals and mobile devices since 1995.
Since 2010 we have been increasingly concerned with the topics of artificial intelligence (AI) and sustainable energy, as well as quantum physics and quantum biology.
Securing private apartments, houses and properties from violence and providing rapid assistance in the event of illness or accidents.
Protecting businesses from theft, robbery ... vandalism.
Rescuing people and animals all over the world, even in places that are far away (distress at sea) or difficult to access (mountains, moors, rivers ...). Security for companies such as: monitoring of shipping cargo, fruit growing areas, large industrial plants... sea piracy.
Opportunities for everyday life in companies and in private households. "For people and animals."
Stationary, mobile and flying units are being developed. These are inconspicuously integrated into everyday life and work according to specifications, a combination of hotel porter and guard dog. In an emergency or critical situation, they network with a security team, and depending on the situation, with the responsible police, fire brigade, doctors...
Everything is thoughts, ideas, experiments, small attempts - and the implementation, solution and implementation will be an added value, a better quality of life and a new freedom in life for many.
We invite you to participate in these ideas and in the implementation.
Contact us and get on board, for the benefit of your family, your fellow human beings and of course for yourself.
Our goal!
ContactSecurity in your own four walls and in many other places is a basic need that we want to create and guarantee for everyone, young and old.
Michael Szonn, CEO